VIP Obstetrical Care in Naperville, IL

What Makes VIP OB Different?

VIP OB is a service that we have designed to offer our patients highly specialized obstetrical care that goes above and beyond traditional services. When you choose VIP OB from Dr. Wright, you’ll receive

  • 24 hour access to Dr. Wright and her providers via text, call and e-mail.
  • No wait appointments.
  • Guaranteed delivery by Dr. Wright who will be in the hospital with you for the full active labor.
  • Certified doula services available
  • One-on-one prenatal classes
  • Ultrasound with fetal photo available at every appointment.
  • Additional 3D/4D ultrasounds
  • A personal fashion consultant for your changing your pregnancy.
  • Photographer to document the pregnancy and first year of life of your new baby.
  • Prenatal massage treatments by a licensed pregnancy specialist
  • Elective cesarean section (c-section) or induction at term available at request.
  • Limo services available.

In addition to these services, you will receive the everyday benefits of being a patient of The Wright Center for Women’s Health. From a spa like atmosphere with silk robes, to free WiFi and phone chargers, The Wright Center for Women’s Health makes your comfort our number one priority.


To learn more about our VIP OB services, request an appointment or call (630) 687-9595.

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Is VIP OB My Only Option?

Even if you choose not to participate in our VIP OB program, we will provide superior obstetrical care for you through 26 to 28 weeks with traditional insurance. We work with several obstetricians who are familiar with our high-quality services and we will help you handpick the one who is right for you.

How Much Does VIP OB Cost?

These are concierge services that go above and beyond what is covered by your insurance. There is a fee in addition to what we would bill your insurance company. Different packages are available. Please make an appointment to speak with our patient concierge to discuss which package is right for you!

Hear From a Real Patient!

I did VIP OB here and could not be happier with my experience. My transition to motherhood has been very smooth and positive. I 100% believe the team here and at Edwards hospital had everything to do with that. They are the village that carried me through a stressful pregnancy. My husband had some health issues towards the end of my pregnancy and he ended up being in the hospital and having surgery. Meghann, my provider, was always checking up on us – even on nights and weekends. Amanda from the office came to visit us in the hospital, too. If you are considering VIP OB, do it! I know it’s an extra investment but you are worth it. My husband and I cut back in other areas to afford this and have no regrets! I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I also have a video testimonial on their website you can check out.