Vampire Facial – The Skin Treatment Everyone is Talking About

The Vampire Facial is a Revolutionary New Cosmetic Procedure That Can Help You Get Rid of Unwanted Wrinkles and Give Your Skin a Younger, Healthier Appearance!

You’ve probably tried skin creams and facial peels, but sometimes they aren’t strong enough to rejuvenate facial tissue adequately. Cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin may be more than what is needed and is an irreversible measure. The Vampire Facial is a completely natural procedure that rejuvenates the skin and gives women a younger, more healthy appearance. The skin tightens, glows with color and scarring softens for a beautiful and natural result.

Call (630) 687-9595 For a Consultation or Book Your Appointment Online!

Do You Show These Signs of Aging?

    • Skin is Dull and Not As Vibrant


    • Fine Vertical Lines Around the Mouth


    • Skin Texture Looks Less Smooth


    • Scars From Trauma, Acne or Chicken Pox

The Vampire Facial May Be Right For You


Vampire Facial

How is a Vampire Facial Performed?

1. We Isolate the Magic From Your Blood

First, the physician draws your blood from your arm, just like getting a blood test done. Then, using a centrifuge, your physician isolates platelets from that blood (platelet-rich plasma or PRP) all within about 10 minutes in the office!

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2. Micro-Needling Creates Pathways to Apply the Facial

12 tiny needles move up and down at 8,000 times per minute. This state-of-the-art tool allows the doctor to focus on problem areas and lets the blood work more effectively. Don’t worry, it sounds scarier than it is!

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3. We Coat the Skin with Blood-Derived Growth Factors

These growth factors then activate multi-potent stem cells already in the skin, tricking them into thinking there’s been an injury and new younger tissue will generate as a result. The multi-potent stem cells then develop into new collagen, new blood vessels, and new fatty tissue trying to “repair” the skin that was never injured!

The effects of the procedure improve for 2 to 3 months and last for at least 1 to 2 years!

*Individual results may vary.






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