Hysteroscopy in Naperville, IL

What is a Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows our team to look inside of your uterus in order to diagnose and treat reproductive health issues using a thin, lighted telescope-like device called a hysterscope inserted through the vagina.

Our team has extensive experience providing gynecologic care for women at her gynecology office in Naperville, IL. If you have been diagnosed with a condition that requires a hysteroscopy for diagnosis or treatment, contact the Wright Center for Women’s Health to discuss your condition and your hysteroscopy candidacy. To schedule your consultation, please call (630) 687-9595 today.

What is a Hysteroscopy Used For?

If you’re having heavy menstrual periods or severe cramping, we can help you learn more about your reproductive health. The hysteroscopy procedure can give us a better look at your cervix and uterus and determine what may be causing problems.

A hysteroscopy is often used for:

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Diagnosing the cause of repeated miscarriages or fertility problems
  • Locating an intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Taking a sample of tissue
  • Removing polyps
  • Removing adhesions or bands of scar tissue (Asherman’s syndrome)
  • Removing fibroid tumors
  • Preventing bleeding by destroying tissue using electric current, freezing, heat, or chemicals
  • Determining whether you have a uterine septum or malformation of the uterus from birth

How Do I Prepare for a Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a very routine procedure many doctors perform regularly. It usually takes place in your provider’s office on a regular exam table. The entire procedure lasts only a few minutes.

Before your hysteroscopy, our team will answer any questions you may have. You will want to eat a healthy breakfast and you can take Ibuprofen the night before or an hour prior to your procedure. This can help alleviate any discomfort you may feel.

When scheduling your procedure, it is ideal to have hysteroscopy within the first seven days after your period has ended. However, if you have irregular periods this may be difficult to do. Our team will work with you to find the right time for your appointment. You may not have a hysteroscopy if there is a possibility you are pregnant, so be sure to communicate openly with your provider.

If you have not delivered a child through the birth canal you may also need medication to help soften your cervix. We will do everything we can to help you feel as comfortable as possible the day of your hysteroscopy.

How is a Hysteroscopy Performed?

If you have regular periods, a hysteroscopy is performed the first week after you stop bleeding for the best view of the uterus. If you are irregular, we can help determine the best time for the procedure.

Our team may do hysteroscopy in her office or in an outpatient center. You may have local or no anesthesia. Procedures that are more complex may be done in the operating room under local, regional, or general anesthesia.

You’ll be positioned on the exam table on your back in a comfortable position. During a hysteroscopy, a scope-like device is inserted into your vagina. They’ll be able to see into your cervix and inside your uterus. If they find anything abnormal, they can take a sample for later testing.

After the hysteroscope is inserted, a liquid solution can also be administered to allow your provider to view your uterus, uterine lining and fallopian tubes for better inspection. If anything is irregular or a procedure needs to be performed, we may insert surgical instruments, take images, or a biopsy.

After the Procedure

This is a very routine procedure that does not require extensive downtime. You’ll probably be able to go home soon after. If your procedure was more invasive or you received local or general anesthetic, you’ll need someone to drive you home.

For a few days after the procedure, you may have some mild cramping or bleeding. Your provider can recommend some medication if you are experiencing any pain. You might also have gas that can last for about 24 hours. You’ll have to avoid sex for at least two weeks after the procedure. Before you’re sent home, you can talk with your doctor about any other recommendations and when to expect more information about the procedure.

Schedule a Hysteroscopy Consultation in Naperville, IL

A hysteroscopy can be a part of the diagnostic process, as well as the treatment process. Our team is committed to your care and helping you find answers and the help you deserve. If you are in need of a hysteroscopy for a uterine condition, please call (630) 687-9595 and schedule a consultation at our gynecology office in Naperville, IL.




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