1st Entry of a 5 part Series: Menopause Sucks!


As you may know our office is now offering bio-identical hormone balancing and one of our team members (We’ll call her “Miss Open Minded”) has agreed to talk about her experience with menopause and having her hormones balanced. She has kept a journal of her experience. Over the next 5 weeks we will share a compilation of her log entries with you.

Please see here her first entry she wrote the day before she was pelleted about her experience with menopause. 


The Day before BioTE

I have had enough already! For the past year I have been losing sleep, gaining weight, losing my temper and getting very angry quickly. The night and sometimes day sweats are the worst ever! It all SUCKS!

I am so disgusted with who I have become. I cannot even look at myself in the mirror. I hate what is looking back at me. I know there are many others just like me thinking and wondering if this is all due to menopause. Tomorrow I am going to get a hormone pellet which is inserted within my skin on my hip/butt area. The company is called bioTE medical and Dr. Kimberly Wright will be inserting this pellet. It is a release of hormones needed for me which she found out just by doing a blood test!

I am so excited to get this done. I heard it is also good for weight loss and muscle gain. I will keep a daily journal of my progress and report back to you. I will be the happiest person alive to give up all my mood swings, weight gain, loss of sleep and day/night sweats!!

Join me on this journey to see where it will take us…….


Miss Open Minded

Click here and find out if Bio-identical Hormone Therapy is right for you. A simple blood test can help you get your life back.




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