The NovaSure procedure can lighten or end your heavy period in a one-time procedure. Don’t let your period stop you. Call us today to learn how we can help: 630-687-9595.
Category: Annoying Periods
Heavy Periods
Want relief from your heavy, annoying periods?? Heavy #periods are more than just a hassle; they take a physical, social, and emotional toll. #Changethecycle and tell us about how you’re feeling at your next visit.
Tip for Soothing Cramps
Anemia and your period
Heavy #period sufferers often face greater challenges like #anemia. Check out the latest blog from @ChangetheCycle for inspiration and book an appointment with us to see how we might help.
NovaSure endometrial ablation is a safe and simple procedure to lighten your period minus the harsh side effects. click here to learn more and call us to schedule your appointment today!
Dr. Wright Recounts her Ablation Experience!

Being the Patient Rather Than the Doctor Today
Hello ladies, this is Dr. Wright and I am excited to say that I had the Novasure endometrial ablation done on myself this morning and I honestly feel great! For years, my clients have been telling me how glad they are that I performed this procedure on them and now I’m really looking forward to no longer having to worry about these heavy periods. Please allow me to share a few things about my experience and how we do things in our office.
Although we offer the procedure at The Wright Center under local or IV sedation, I’m a wimp when it comes to pain so I opted for the IV sedation. I now totally understand exactly why when the patients wake up they say “Did you do it yet?” I felt absolutely no pain during or immediately afterwards and the last thing I remembered was my doctor describing what was about to happen and the next thing I know is I’m getting up to get dressed. And I must say that was some really good sleep!
One nice thing is the convenience of all of this. Today is Friday and I do plan to take off the weekend but I have a very full day of surgery and seeing patients in the office on Monday. It is not unusual for my in-office procedure patients to go back to work and their lives the very next day, if not the same day. One patient came in on her lunch break, had Essure, went back to work and did great! Having it in the office also lets you go where you know the staff, they know you and you don’t have to go through all of the rigmaroles of having surgery at the hospital, where you’re there all day and you have to deal with all the red tape logistics of a hospital. Having this done in the office allows you to go in, get it done, and gets you back to your life.
My doctor was kind enough to allow me to come in and have everything done on the same day. It is not unusual for other doctor offices to require several appointments before having an endometrial ablation done. You might need to come in for a consultation, ultrasound, hysterosonogram, endometrial biopsy, pap smear, visit to discuss results and then the procedure all at separate visits. At The Wright Center the Novasure endometrial ablation and Essure hormone free and surgery free permanent birth control are part of our specialties so we have configured processes to extend this combined visits courtesy to you in only 1 or 2 appointments. Of course this depends on the situation, what you need done, your history and making sure you know all of your options. But we really try and make things as convenient for you as possible.
Another convenience is that we try to work around your schedule offering evening and weekend appointment. And although it is not unusual for us to be booked months in advance, we have designated appointment slots for Essure and Novasure consultations that we save to help you be seen as soon as convenient for you.
We did videotape the procedure today and I look forward to sharing that with you soon. It’s really nice to have experienced this whole thing from the patient’s perspective. Not only do I have an even better understanding of what the patients go through, it also confirms what an easy and painless process this is. If you have heavy annoying bleeding like I used to, (I love being able to say that, like I used to!) I hope you give us a call to find out if this is an option for you.
Annoying Periods
Ladies, did you know that one in five women live with very heavy periods? If you are one of those women, call and make your appointment with Dr. Wright today! Your life could be period free!!
Luxury Endometrial Ablation Campaign
90% of Women See Dramatically Reduced Menstrual Bleeding With NovaSure®
Women suffering from heavy periods now have a 5-minute procedure option with NovaSure®. With no pills or hormonal side effects the 4 step procedure removes the lining of the uterus with a quick radiofrequency energy. The Wright Center is pleased to offer this procedure.