Post Work-out Snacks


Now that the weather seems to be cooperating….Here are Five Post Work-out Snacks to Refuel Muscles: Homemade trail mix, Protein Shake, Mini Babybel cheese and an Apple, 2 Hardboiled eggs and Tart dried cherries, or Almond butter balls.

Healthy Tip


Healthsmoothie-with-benefits-XLy Tip of the Day: Here are top three diet-friendly items to put in your cart: balsamic vinegar (it adds a pop of low-cal flavor to veggies and salads), in-shell nuts (their protein and fiber keep you satiated), and fat-free plain yogurt (a creamy, comforting source of protein). Greek yogurt also works wonders as a natural low-calorie base for dressings, dips or smoothies! YUM!!

National Nutrition Month

updated NNM

It’s more or less the end of March, but it is National Nutrition month! No better time than the present to “develope a healthier lifestyle through balance. Whether it’s balancing your caloric intake, balancing your physical activity, balancing your stress level or balancing your personal life, proper health requires a continual, multi-factorial approach.”-




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