Nuchal Translucency


The Wright Center for Women’s Health is now one of the Accredited Practitioners who have obtained the certificate of competence in measurement of the nuchal translucency.

A nuchal translucency screening is a specialized routine ultrasound performed between week 11 and week 13 of pregnancy. Fetuses with increased fluid at the base of their necks (the nuchal fold) may have a chromosomal abnormality.

This screening requires a sonogram and maternal blood work performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. In addition to the blood work, a measurement of the nuchal fold is taken. These two components give information to detect any chromosomal abnormalities.

Call our office or Click here to schedule your Ultrasound appointment

Did you know..

Did you know that we offer 3D4D ultrasound? Dr. Wright and our Ultrasonographer Amarah attended a conference last week to not only provide you with the most up to date and accurate knowledge in OB-GYN ultrasound but also to give you the best 3D images!

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Wondering about weight loss after pregnancy? Your beautiful bundle of joy has arrived! Enjoy this precious time, and don’t let the need to “get your body back” bring you down. Post-pregnancy weight really is difficult to lose, but if you make diet and exercise a part of your life, you’ll see success!  Read more at

Continuous Education

Ultra-sonographer certificate

Check out what our Ultra-sonographer has been up to! She just attended the National Conference on OB-GYN Ultrasounds…. Thanks Amarah for striving to help The Wright Center offer the best possible quality care!

Want an exciting way to find out if you’re having a boy or girl?

Want an exciting way to find out if you’re having a boy or girl? We offer a blood test that discovers the gender as early as the first trimester with greater than 99% accuracy! There is no potential harm to your baby with this test like an Amniocentesis. Then, allow us to present the results to you in a uniquely, fabulous Gender Reveal Box! What a very special way of sharing the news with your family!

Jasmine Coleman-Ford and Terrence Ford
“This cute couple decided to wait until they arrived at home to find out together! How sweet and perfect is that?!”

Announcement of Traditional OB Discontinuance and Arrival of Concierge OB Services

Congratulations on the expectaion of your new bundle of Joy!  Dr. Wright is currently at capacity in regards to servicing patients in need of traditional OB needs.  She is available for extended OB Concierge services at an additional compensation rate, which are available at a reduced rate to previous patients and new patients interested in the new extended Concierge OB services.  Please refer to your insurnace provider for additional physicians currently offering traditional OB care or contact our office for a referal to a physician offering traditional OB care at this time.