Dr. Wright is attending the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting.

 Dr. Wright is attending the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting. As usual she’s continuing to learn options and techniques to give you the ultimate in the healthcare experience. 

Here she is with Dr. Paul Nassif, MD, FACS Star of the hit tv show Botched. She also met Dr. Suzan Obagi MD renowned Dermatologist and Cosmetic Surgeon of the Obagi Skincare line. 



If you would like to learn more about the Cosmetic portion of our practice please click here to request an appointment or call our office at 630-687-9595. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and once again, we’re donating money to the American Cancer Society, and you will help us decide how much to donate! For every “Like” that we get to our Facebook page in October, we will donate $1.00, up to $500! (If you’re keeping count, as of today we are at 358 likes) We’ll announce our results on November 2nd. So please share this post,”Like” our page, and together let’s see how much we can donate. Get Ready, Get Set, Support!

Happy Anniversary!

chad and elena

Happy Anniversary to our office manager, Elena and her husband Chad! They are celebrating 20 years of marriage this Wednesday! Congratulations!

August Birthdays

Elena B-day

We’ve got quite a few birthdays for August here at The Wright Center for Women’s Health, and our Office Manager, Elena kicked off the month with her birthday on August 4th!