How We’ll Keep You Updated During the COVID-19 Pandemic

To Our Guests,

Thank you for your patience while we navigate through the necessary changes that have been forced upon us from the current pandemic caused by COVID-19.

From Day 1 my email has been inundated with emails from dozens of emails from businesses telling me how they’re handling COVID-19. Our affiliated hospitals send daily, and often multiple times a day, updates on what they are doing. This made me think that this is something we should be doing, as well.

Our guests need to know more, but we just didn’t have the manpower. Now, this particular post isn’t really telling you about how we’re dealing with it but how we plan to get you the info (scroll down to previous posts to see what we’re doing). NO, this is the story of how we plan to be better and more consistent at getting this information to you.

So for the past few days, Chas and I have investigated and interviewed well over a dozen different marketing firms who could help us with this endeavor. The selection ran the gamut from a one-person operation operating out of his studio apartment (literally we could see his entire apartment, bed, bathroom and all on the zoom call) to highly sophisticated large corporations who had teams in 38 states.

The firm we chose is called Idea Marketing Group, which is located in nearby Yorkville. They had 3 of their team members join us for an online meeting. Their Marketing Director Bill Skowronski seemed to be running the show. He asked what we were looking for and in my true long-winded form, I tried to list all the many things that we do and how we’re fighting COVID, how this practice got started, my life story, blah blah blah.

Then he had to pin me down. So, he asked, If you had to boil it down to one thing that sets you apart that is the main thing you do, what would that be? What a great question. I think the same thing popped into both Chas and my head at the same time. This time Chas took the lead.

Chas said, “Personalized Luxury Healthcare.” I nodded emphatically thinking yep EXACTLY! Chas went on to tell a story about how he had just left a room of a pregnant woman and her husband who had called several offices and due to the coronavirus pandemic, no one would let her husband come into the visit with her. They had called many offices.

The husband was a physician and moving away to New York for residency soon. They really had no risk factors and he wanted to see the baby. We are limiting the number of guests in our office, limiting schedules and working with a skeleton crew, but we realized that we must look at each guest and situation individually. So, because the husband was leaving town and wanted to see the baby we secured all the appropriate PPE and our team made it happen.

This is where Bill got me. He revealed that he and his wife had a two-week old baby at home and he can really relate to that. After they went through infertility and tried for years, he now has to sit in the car while his wife and baby visit the doctor at a time when he wants to be them, and I’m sure they with him. He appreciated that we saw the need and adjusted accordingly.

No overly done graphs, no pre-done slide presentation, no market analysis and one size fit all packages. Just the ability to relate. I knew this was a good fit.

So, there you go. We have started this relationship with a group that’s like us. I’m proud of our search and our find. A group that is not a volume-based business. They know it’s about quality. They heard us when we said we need our guests to know what we’re doing to keep them and our team safe. This is how we plan to keep you all in the know. Thanks for reading.


Dr. Wright, The Wright Center Team, including Idea Marketing Group




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