Exceptional Staff Member of the Month!


Amanda Pool is our Exceptional Staff member of the month! She has been with The Wright Center since the beginning. Amanda finished phlebotomy school in August of 2012 and constantly learning, perfecting her skills and taking courses ever since. She is definitely a pro at drawing blood on even the tiniest veins. Not only is she great at her job, she’s definitely the life of the office party. She keeps things exciting, always willing, up for any extracurricular activities and very helpful. She put’s the team in team building events!

Here are some of the comments that the staff have to say about her…

“Is sweet, cares about everyone, willing to help and fun, fun, fun!”

“Fun to work with! I learn a lot from her! She’s the best!”

“…Always very helpful and is a delight to work with.”

“Always has a smile on her face!”

Thanks for choosing Amanda as our Exceptional Staff Member of the Month. The patients love her and so do we!




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