Exceptional Staff Members of the Month!


Dr. Wright is big on wanting us to share our gift with the world. When one genuinely shares their gift, not only are those on the receiving end rewarded but the one giving and sharing what they do best in turn gets a great sense of fulfillment, pride and gratification in their ability to share that gift. Today we share with you the gifts that our Exceptional staff members of the month bestow to all those fortunate enough to know them. Our staff members of the month are our Nurse Kathy and MA Rebeccah. Please see here all the things that our office said about them as their gifts to the world!

  • Kathy is extremely kind hearted, loving and takes care of everyone. We could not possibly have a nicer more caring nurse for our clients.
  • Rebeccah is so efficient. I have never seen anyone accomplish so much in such a short period of time. The Wright Center is so fortunate to have her.
  • Kathy is always willing to help and make everything easy.
  • Rebeccah’s gift to the world is her kindness and willingness to do anything and everything to help others and animals!
  • Kathy’s gift to the world is her kindness. She is hands down the most nicest and kindest person ever. She has a heart of gold.
  • Rebeccah is always smiling and kind to all the patients she sees.
  • Kathy has excellent communication skills and is highly organized.
  • Rebeccah has excellent computer skills.
  • Kathy is very comforting and her patients love her!
  • Rebeccah is smart and does her job very well. She is very thorough.
  • Kathy’s gift to the world is helping other people with a genuine heart.
  • Rebeccah’s gift to the world is serving other people in an effort to better the world.
  • Kathy is always willing to help and listen. She is smart and I always learn something new from her everyday. She is also a great person to share an office with! 🙂
  • Rebeccah is very efficient and well organized.
  • Kathy brings a warmth to the office and a sort of mother’s touch.
  • Rebeccah’s gift is always a friendly hello and tells me everything is ok when I mess up.
  • Kathy’s gift is she’s a great team player. She is always willing to help.
  • Rebeccah is always willing to help me and never complains!




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