Meet our newest BioTE Coordinators!

Meet our newest BioTE Coordinators! We are so fortunate to have these ladies on our team who are so excited about learning at The BioTE Conference in Dallas this past weekend. They have equipped themselves with knowledge on bio-identical hormones and how to elevate the way we bring that knowledge to you. Read on to see what they had to say about their experience!

Carrie our Practice manager (Center photo) and networking guru says, “Wow, I can’t believe how much we learned at this conference! I can’t wait to get back to the office and start implementing, streamlining and sharing this information! This can really help our clients with their symptoms of menopause, decreased libido, mood swings, and so much more!”

Linsey (left) is our Ultrasonographer and go to get-it-done-gal says, “I got BioTE myself and I know it has improved the quality of my life and now I’m so excited to have had the opportunity to learn the science behind it. Everyone should know if they are a candidate for BioTE!”

N’Crai (right) is our loving life Patient Concierge.  She says, “It was so much fun meeting new people who are so progressive and on top of the latest information. I loved hearing their stories and sharing details of our unique practice with them. I love learning, and gaining knowledge to help our practice and myself grow. I can’t wait until the next conference!”

Thanks for reading about our experience, now we need to ask you, Are your hormones optimized?

Make an appointment to find out or call us at 630-687-9595 today!




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