Patients who use BioTE® hormone replacement therapy report decreased body fat, more energy, and increased mental clarity. Click here to learn more about BioTE!
Category: Hormones
Feel Balanced and Experience Healthy Hormone Levels!
Feel balanced and experience healthy hormone levels with BioTE® hormone pellet therapy. These biologically identical hormones are plant based but specifically formulated to match human hormones. Click here to learn more or call the office today to schedule an appointment!
BioTE Physician Training
Dr. Wright can’t get enough of learning about Bio-identical hormones. Here she is with the helpful BioTE reps this past weekend at her second physician training. Dr. Wright says, “I can’t believe I learned so much more the second time around!” Find out if BioTE is right for you with a simple blood test. Request an appointment or call us at 630-687-9595
5th Entry of 5 part Series: Age Healthier… Live Happier…
It’s 3 months after her hormone balancing with BioTE bio-identical hormone pelleting. Re-pelleting is generally 3 to 4 months for women. Let’s read on to see if Miss Open-Minded is interested in being pelleted again.
3 Months Later…
Let me tell you, I know it is time for my pellet re-insert. I am moody, irritable, can’t sleep, etc. What a difference! (Not so much the hot flashes but all other symptoms YES!!)
I am re-pelleting on Saturday. I CAN NOT WAIT!!!
If you or anyone you know feels any of these symptoms click here for the symptom checklist. Call the office at 630-687-9595 to make an appointment with one of the certified BioTE Bio-identical hormone specialists. I hope that sharing this journey of hormone balancing has been helpful. Let me tell you, it has changed my life and it can change yours too.
Miss Open Minded
4th Entry of 5 part Series: Is It Time For A Boost?
So far so good for Miss Open Minded and her hormone balancing journey. Now read on and let’s see if it is time for a boost?
4 to 6 Weeks Out – Time for a Boost?
Today is 5 weeks from the pellet procedure.
I feel so much better than I did prior to pelleting. I had to redo my labs so the doctor can tell where my hormone levels are and if I need a boost. I did not. I cannot stress enough how my anxiety and mood swings have gone away. Also, I have not had a hot flash for 2 weeks. It is time consuming taking all the meds, but well worth the time!! Only time can tell for what wonderful surprise is next. I started this journey not knowing where it would lead (still don’t) but I am liking the path I am on right now.
Miss Open Minded
Click here and find out if Bio-identical Hormone Therapy is right for you. A simple blood test can help you get your life back.
3rd Entry of 5 part Series: Feeling Better!
Last week we saw where Miss Open Minded was off to a great start. Here she talks about the first few weeks after getting her bio-identical hormones.
First Few Weeks – Feeling Better!
The day after there was some soreness in the area where the pellets were placed as well as some bruising. I did have a slight-mild headache and some hot flashes in the evening, however all that has resolved and overall I am feeling good. I am taking all of the supplements recommended by Dr. Wright at the time of pelleting.
My sleeping has gotten better. I feel more rested. My mood swings are not as bad. I have noted more energy and I have lost approximately 4 to 5 pounds.
Miss Open Minded
Click here and find out if Bio-identical Hormone Therapy is right for you. A simple blood test can help you get your life back.
2nd Entry of 5 Part Series: Off To A Great Start!
Last week we read about Miss Open Minded’s experience with menopause. Here she talks about the day of her actual pelleting and the first day following.
Day 1: Off To A Great Start!
First of all, having the pellet inserted was nothing. No pain, no discomfort after or during the night actually I slept a full 5 hours, which I have not done in over 2 years at least. Dr. Wright explained every single detail of what she was doing and why I needed the supplements she asked me to take. I did my morning supplements today with ease. I am so excited to see the progress I will see and make. It is approximately 10am the next morning and I feel great, not tired or sluggish. What a great start! J
Click here and find out if Bio-identical Hormone Therapy is right for you. A simple blood test can help you get your life back.
1st Entry of a 5 part Series: Menopause Sucks!
As you may know our office is now offering bio-identical hormone balancing and one of our team members (We’ll call her “Miss Open Minded”) has agreed to talk about her experience with menopause and having her hormones balanced. She has kept a journal of her experience. Over the next 5 weeks we will share a compilation of her log entries with you.
Please see here her first entry she wrote the day before she was pelleted about her experience with menopause.
The Day before BioTE
I have had enough already! For the past year I have been losing sleep, gaining weight, losing my temper and getting very angry quickly. The night and sometimes day sweats are the worst ever! It all SUCKS!
I am so disgusted with who I have become. I cannot even look at myself in the mirror. I hate what is looking back at me. I know there are many others just like me thinking and wondering if this is all due to menopause. Tomorrow I am going to get a hormone pellet which is inserted within my skin on my hip/butt area. The company is called bioTE medical and Dr. Kimberly Wright will be inserting this pellet. It is a release of hormones needed for me which she found out just by doing a blood test!
I am so excited to get this done. I heard it is also good for weight loss and muscle gain. I will keep a daily journal of my progress and report back to you. I will be the happiest person alive to give up all my mood swings, weight gain, loss of sleep and day/night sweats!!
Join me on this journey to see where it will take us…….
Miss Open Minded
Click here and find out if Bio-identical Hormone Therapy is right for you. A simple blood test can help you get your life back.
Newly Certified BioTE Provider!
Darchell has joined our other two certified BioTE providers, Dr. Wright & Ladonna! Call the office and schedule an appointment today to see if you are a BioTE candidate!
When Menopause Causes Lifestyle Issues
When Menopause Causes Lifestyle Issues
The side effects of menopause may be minimal or severe, embarrassing or just annoying, and get tiring – and that’s just in one day! When the hot flashes, fatigue, reduced sex drive, moodiness or anxiety become more than a minor inconvenience, hormone replacement therapy may give you the relief you need.
Menopause is a perfectly normal stage of life, and is a result of the body producing less estrogen and progesterone. The fluctuating hormone levels are the cause of the side effects, and should stabilize after 4 or 5 years. Many studies have been done that indicate post-menopausal woman are at a higher risk of heart disease or bone loss even after the hormone levels stabilize. Hormone replacement therapy is a proven treatment that will improve these conditions.
The Mayo clinic says that, “Despite the health risks, systemic estrogen is still the most effective treatment for menopausal symptoms. The benefits of hormone therapy may outweigh the risks if you’re healthy and:
- Experience moderate to severe hot flashes or other menopausal symptoms
- Have lost bone mass and either can’t tolerate or aren’t benefitting from other treatments
- Stopped having periods before age 40 (premature menopause) or lost normal function of your ovaries before age 40 (premature ovarian insufficiency)
In many cases, the benefits of hormone therapy outweigh the risks.”
Women seeking relief through hormone replacement therapy have choices: including estrogen replacement and estrogen/progesterone/progestin replacement. Your doctor may prescribe hormone replacement pills, patches, creams, injections or hormone pellet implants. Each method has pros and cons, and your doctor will prescribe the best method for you, your body and your symptoms.
Menopause and post –menopause is a beautiful, satisfying time of life that can be filled with potential and opportunity. Make the most out of it by equipping your body to handle it safely and effectively.
The Wright Center for Women’s Health, located in Naperville, will meet with you to discuss your questions and symptoms. Dr. Wright will prescribe the best treatment for your individual needs, and answer any concerns you may have. Call us at 630.687.9595 to schedule an appointment.