Good Morning!
Okay, so I know this may seem to be a tad bit TMI, but how can one learn about these things that can help them when it’s on subjects that most never discuss in day to day conversation. Honestly for me it’s second nature, and it only becomes apparent when we’re with couples where one of the two are in similar professions having typical OBGyn discussion which may include vaginal deliveries, hemorrhaging, intestinal contents, surgical incisions, etc. and my husband nudges me and says, “Uhm, Dearheart, I don’t know if discussing blood and guts is appropriate dinner conversation.”
But I digress. Urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction are very prevalent and many patients won’t even bring it up to their doctors let alone in general conversation.
Well, we’re here to break that taboo mold because it’s an important subject and by sharing our experiences we want to bring information to you about the options available. 5 of our team members have received the O-shot and over the next 5 week we will share with you how the O-shot worked for us. I’ll go first.
My Personal experience with the O-shot
So, I have been performing the O-shot since November of 2015 on clients with consistently improved results, but the clients’ perceptions varied. We do have the clients to fill out bladder habit and sexual function questionnaires before the O-shot and then 6 weeks later and we would compare the questionnaires and truly ALL of the clients would show some improvement every time with the comparison in some form or fashion. With the urinary incontinence, 100% improvement across the board on the forms and with patient satisfaction. With urinating, things are pretty black and white. Either you have leakage or you don’t. But with sexual dysfunction there are a few clients that although their forms showed some form of improvement, they didn’t seem totally satisfied. In some cases, I realized that perhaps they didn’t particularly like their husband or maybe they needed their hormones balanced for that extra boost they were looking for but I needed to have it done myself to get a better understanding of what the clients were truly experiencing.
So in December of 2016 I traveled to Fairhope, Alabama where the inventor of the O-shot Charles Runels was holding his monthly provider training courses on the Vampire procedures of which the O-shot was one of them. There were many physicians there and that’s how we learned and perfected our skills by performing the procedures on each other. So there was a different provider, who performed each different step of my procedure. Again, I know it sounds odd, but as a woman with twins and an OBGyn, you become somewhat numb to the usually accepted modesty and truly it was a very clinical like situation. It was not painful. Although I must say, I am SO much better being the doctor than the patient. I tend to feel the need to tell everyone how everything should be done. If only I could do all of my own procedures on myself!
The Results
Here’s what I found. For the first week, I was still in Fairhope, and didn’t notice much difference. I never had any urinary issues, I didn’t think I had sexual dysfunction. My libido or desire for sex has never been through the roof, but I always thought “Who has the time for all of that?” When I got home and did find the time to be intimate with my husband I will say the orgasms were pretty powerful and they have continued to consistently be so. But the libido? That desire to have sex? I was still kinda like, meh. I was somewhat perplexed. I have patients who say they can’t stop thinking about it. They want to have sex constantly and all the time. Sometimes to the point that it can be a problem, like when they don’t have access to their husband due to travel or maybe not even having a partner. They would constantly be turned on so much so that simply driving over speed bumps would produce orgasms. But over and over again, I would hear that the libido is “off the charts.” And I’m like, “Really?!?”
And on a rare occasion I would get a tad bit of the libido, not very often, but then it hit me. It was like a light bulb went off. It was my birthday and I had taken a full 4 days away from the office including my birthday and actually, whenever I take time away from seeing clients, including weekends, it’s generally to catch up on work or something to do with the business. And my birthday was no different. I spent the entire day working on a work project I had been meaning to work on for a long time and in my head, that was good. I was getting this difficult project out of the way. The next couple of days, I continued to work and when I get a lot done, then if I’m forced to do something “fun” I can actually be in the moment. And I was scheduled that night to go to dinner with a group of doctor colleagues. Originally dreading it because it takes me away from what I feel is important, working, my business, giving the best care possible to our clients, but I went and I enjoyed it. There was great conversation, I had an alcoholic beverage, and it was just real chill. And low and behold… there it was… right after dinner… that increased libido thing all the patients were raving about! When I would relax, the libido would increase. Quite noticeably so. I got it! So much so, that I was like, let me try this relaxation thing for a whole day… Hey, Hey! More libido! I’m relaxing, sexual relations with my husband, I’m nicer to my children and just a beautiful sense of peace and overall well-being. I’ll admit the next few days I was knocked back into my previous reality as I was on ER call and summoned to Edward hospital to do a few emergency surgeries, but now I get it. I look back over the last 6 months and those times of increased libido correlated with the very rare occasion that I would allow myself to relax.
So what did I get and learn from the O-shot? Yes, I did get the new and improved orgasms, but I also learned something equally if not more valuable and that is the power of relaxation and the importance of taking time away from the day to day grind and making time for yourself. I learned how important it is to RELAX!
Thanks so much for reading.
Yours Truly,
Dr. Wright
Owner, Founder and Practicing Physician
The Wright Center for Women’s Health
PS: If you would like to learn more about the O-shot, I did make a video explaining more about it. Click here to view more information on O-shot, call 630-687-9595 or Request an appointment.